Currently listening to Alex Goot's version of Bon Jovi's "Living On A Prayer" and I am loving it. Who says classics can't be made new? Some say, "It's just not the same." I don't see it as making a new of the old or even improvising. It's more like adjusting those old school masterpieces so that the new generation could learn to love it too. Sebab tu wujud Light&Easy dengan Lain-lain generasi taste pada muzik bukannya sama. But I salute Dads like mine. Layan je lagu orang-orang muda. Tapi bab rap hip hop melampau buat serabut jiwa raga memang aku pun mintak tukar radio station.
Judging by the way I write my old entries, you'd think I'm those budak melayu who prefer to converse in English, write in English and laa-dee-daa. To be honest, I was that kid. In fact I think I still am. Speaking in English gives me that push of confidence I always lack when I'm in a situation that requires social skills. My parents are great in English, I'm guessing due to the fact that they used to study in the US, and perhaps it just rubbed off on us. Plus, Disney was practically a large part of my childhood. Up to this day, with only about two months left of being 17, if you ask me what's my favourite TV channel, I'd say Disney Channel. Favourite movie? Perhaps something from Pixar. But I don't like to be specific on that. Because my interest keeps changing. Frequently.
But it really gets to me when some people see me as 'budak bajet speaking English berabuk sekali dengan accent'. Accent kebenda? Bukannya aku tiru gaya Harry Potter cakap pun. Aku allergic dengan mentaliti orang yang rasa those who prefer to speak English as BAJET. Tegur baik-baik cakap, "Sorry bro. Aku tak berapa nak faham la. Kita speaking Melayu jom?" kan best? Masa form five, bedmate aku (belah kiri) budak Kelantan. Suka sangat sakat aku panggil "British Girl" dengan accent dia yang teramat sangat dahsyat tu. Kalau aku bawak balik food yang rare sikit pun dia panggil benda tu 'biskut mat salih'.
Don't get me wrong. I love this girl. She's one of my 'mom replacements' while I'm at school since I'm horrible at taking care of myself. But although I might laugh every time she mimics me when my English just pours out, especially when I'm on the phone with family, it bugs me up to the point that I wish that language didn't matter to a race or nation. So what dengan bahasa kebangsaan? English boleh bawak aku pergi jauh.
Tapi bodoh jugak cara fikir mcam tu. Kau orang apa Ting? Ayat first kau cakap sejak lahir dalam bahasa apa Ting? Dah kalau bukan kau yang nak martabatkan bahasa nenek moyang sendiri, siapa lagi? The other races in this country don't give a damn about my language. And I'm grateful that it's while in school I realize this. Nak tunggu sedar bila umur dah meningkat dewasa, kira wassalam la kalau nak ubah diri waktu dah sibuk dengan kerja dan kalut fikir hal keluarga. True, it's never too late for anything. Tapi aku sangat bersyukur kesedaran tu datang lebih awal.
Boleh tahan geram bila member sendiri pandang pelik bila aku nyanyi lagu melayu dengan segala feeling bagai. Hafal lirik sebijik-sebijik pulak tu! Setakat lagu Jesnita-Exist tu...heh! Hujung lidah ni je lah. Let's make this clear: I am no minah salih celup. Tapi itu tak bermakna novel melayu bersusun atas rak dalam bilik. Ooohooo... tidak sama sekali. Hlovate sahaja boleh digest. Novel Melayu cintan-cintun balik-balik pasal kena kahwin paksa memang allergic.
Macam dah jauh tersasar dari niat sebenaaar je. (Awek Legoland epic!)
Actually I just wanted to say that I plan to continue telling my life story (as if it's any interesting) like a Malay novelist would. I've had enough essay writing in this SPM year thanks to dearest Sir Rashid and I'd like to experiment with my writing just a bit. I've long had a desire to write a novel but it's difficult to describe completely Malay settings and situations in English. It doesn't serve justice to the background. The closest example I could give is the south zone literary component, The Curse. Its setting is in a Malay village but even the word 'village' throws out the thrill and awesomeness that the word 'kampung' would provide, don't you think?
In this case, saying, "It's just not the same" is valid.
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